Stop Motion

Group assignment with: Jasmine Nackash

We began the assignment with a brainstorm and research.  We came up with several ideas but we especially liked the idea of using a grid. One clip we looked at, which was only half done in stop motion, called Moon. It utilized in a good way a grid of white stickers, and the act of drawing, removing and re-pasting.

After coming up with several ideas we decided to try to differentiate and characterize the medium of stop motion from any other animation field. We remembered the video of Her Morning Elegance and decided to try to use the medium in a way that uses the space around us instead of creating and directing a clean new frame.

We looked around for places where the grid was present, with the central ideas being work with a library or with lockers.

We decided to approach the lockers with their natural monochromatic colors in mind.

We knew we had a challenge with fluorescent lighting that could make it difficult for us, but nevertheless we decided to try and see if we could produce an interesting movement with them, or a short abstract story.

Hypercinema _ Stop motion.mp4