Group assignment with: Christina Tang, Fay Cai

Last week we started discussing the idea of the "speculative future". What interests us in this matter? What does the word "future" mean for each of us? Any ideas we share or do we each feel differently about this?

One main theme that gripped us all was focusing on what we have now that will disappear in the future? forests? animals? physical interaction? ahat is urgent to experience now?

The issue arose following this publication:

We loved its perspective of reality. It was so interesting to see all the busy spaces - no cars, quiet, calm, clean, putting the movement of people in the space in the center - It gave room for so many new and different things to happen.

Then each of us began to explore what ideas this subject brought up in her. The main point I was thinking about was the way we preserve things. And what will happen to these "disappeared elements" in the future. Where will they appear when they no longer take part of our everyday environment? I came across a video of an animation taking place on day to day objects. And I thought about the fact that all the elements that are going to be erased from space, will probably appear in the future on our objects, as decoration. It can be interesting to produce an animation that will be drawn on inanimate objects, and project it against the background of a video shot from environment without these elements. We met again, and discussed the ideas each of us had.

At this stage we felt that we all manage to talk about a common topic and it was time to try to translate it into a general storyboard, hunting the idea in different forms.


We decided to focus on developing two ideas:

  1. The first is to focus on a orange, in the different ways we can experience it these day. How does it activate our senses, eating, drinking, peeling, what can we make with it? What place does it have in our reality? We talked about how fruits have become quite expensive, and may not be affordable for every person.

At the end of the video we describe showing a white box, which when a person screen it - it describes as an orange, showing it's value. Replaces its place in reality.

  1. The second was about the different way we experience the world thorogh the way it's document on social media, do we still need to visit places to experience them?

    how will we experience the future that will consist only of these visual outlines, what senses do they evoke in us? How much attention do they require from us? How much do they motivate us to go and experience them ourselves?

    What separates us from the experience we have already visited a place when we experience it from so many angles in social media?

    We thought of taking a tourist spot and trying to create 3D using videos that people shared. or create a map of it.

    choose a place that is no longer accessible to us. A place that used to be but we can't visit there. And describe it only by video game clips. (We can also choose a figurative place like heaven or hell)

    Occupy another place and be transported only through texts that people have shared on Facebook describing an experience from a certain place, or a certain event.

[Prelinger Archives] we can use it for footages-



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