This week I watched a lot of videos and tried to follow the new material and make sure I understand them :) I feel like I need to practice it a bit more to feel fully in control with these things.

I'm excited about the new interaction we can create using the camera and using voice. I aim to succeed in creating a minigame that will be controlled by candlelight. I started with this sketch, but I hope to improve it in the future -

During my practice, I faced two problems while following the materials:

  1. I had a problem working with images in the p5 editor. And after a lot of time spent trying to fix it, I couldn't. :(
  2. My machine learning sketches didn't work, I find I need to add this lines (which appears in your p5 sketches, just not in the video :)) -

let modelURL = '[<>](<>)';

function preload() {
classifier = ml5.imageClassifier(imageModelURL + 'model.json');

I thought it was worth mentioning it :)

Also, when I tried machine learning using voice I’m I got this error: sample rate mismatch: expected: 44100; Actual: 48000

Do you know it? I think maybe it's because my audio wasn't high quality enough?

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