״If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise don't put it there״ Anton Chekhov

Chekhov's gun is a narrative principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed. For example, if a writer features a gun in a story, there must be a reason for it, such as it being fired some time later in the plot. All elements must eventually come into play at some point in the story.


In this project I was interested in observing the space hidden between words and visual representation. I wanted to explore what exists between a written story and comics. Does defining the unique words in a story, in the context of their linear representation and the story environment, provide enough for us to observe a narrative?

Can we define who the characters are? How do we determine which actions are carried out by whom? How do we characterize a long or short action? Can we observe, through the relationships among words, who influences whom and how? Is it possible to discern a recurring pattern when looking at the narrative color representation across different stories?

Currently, I find myself engaged in a substantial amount of manual work for a proof of concept. However, my aspiration is to develop an algorithm capable of categorizing similar words, establishing connections between different actions and their performers, and more.

I've also contemplated various possibilities for visual representation that could add an interesting dimension. This includes giving users the option to draw their own representation for significant words or craft their own narratives. Additionally, exploring the idea of collecting diverse representations of a word from the internet and presenting them randomly, or utilizing AI engines to generate them in real-time.

FROM THE PROCESS ______________________________

Step 01 [TF-IDF]

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 10.26.16 AM.png

Step 02 []

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 10.26.09 AM.png

Step 03 []

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Step 04 []